The first step is acknowledging the need for change

Embarking upon therapy is hardest step to take. Once you take action, the rest of the work will follow.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, what we do, and how our bodies feel, are all interconnected. If we change one of these we can alter all of the others.

    This concept allows us to make better sense of our current difficulties, understanding why we may feel stuck in negative cycles. This opens the door to exploring alternative approaches by modifying how we think and behave. CBT allows us to recognise the control and influence we can have over our negative emotions.

    When we feel low or anxious, we can easily fall into common patterns of negative thinking and responding, which can worsen how we feel. CBT encourages us to notice and change problematic thinking patterns and unhelpful behaviours so we can start to feel better again.

    An important part of CBT is setting therapy goals, which we will explore collaboratively to ensure we are working towards the same outcomes. Therapy goal setting will also be a useful tool to help us monitor and measure progress throughout treatment.

    CBT is a collaborative therapy, it involves discussion, doing (in and out of sessions), learning and reflecting throughout.

  • EMDR treatment can be used independently or alongside CBT, depending on the presenting problems a client wishes to address in therapy. EMDR is a psychotherapy that can help people process past disturbing life experiences that may be contributing to current emotional distress and difficulties. Please refer to the EMDR Association website for more details about this treatment.

    EMDR: The basics - EMDR Association UK - Overcoming trauma with expert help.

    EMDR has been shown to be an effective treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and recognised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

  • The following are all common areas where I can support clients:

    • Trauma

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Stress

    • Problems with self-esteem or confidence

    • Life adjustment

    • Motivation

  • I off remote therapy sessions using a secure video platform.

    The cost per session (50 minutes) is £85.

    I would suggest having a review around session 3 or 4 to discuss your progress, how you’re finding the sessions and to ensure we continue to work towards your therapy goals.

    CBT can be a short-term therapy (6-8 sessions); however, some clients may require longer term treatment (8-20 sessions). This can depend on a number of factors, which can be discussed individually in sessions.

  • Why it works?

    • Professional support, accessible from your own home

    • No travelling required

    • No waiting rooms and less ‘clinical’

    • Fits in with your busy schedule


    • Requires a good internet connection

    • Ensuring you have a private space

    • Therapy in your own home space

    • Learning how to use resources over video platform


    • Practice with the platform before your first session

    • Check your internet connection

    • Prepare your private space

    • Plan in a post session ‘relaxation’ activity or mini reflective ‘debrief’. It may also be useful to schedule ahead any ‘homework’ time you will allocate before the next session.

    • Arrive to the session just like you’re attending in person

    • Trial using headphones for extra privacy

    • Close down the platform fully after the sessions

  • If you would like to book a session, please get in touch by sending me a short message.

    We can also arrange a free 10 minute chat if you would like to know anything else that has not been covered here.