Your mental fitness training ground

Mental Fitness

Private Therapy offers an opportunity to embark upon a unique journey for your mental health and wellbeing. My approach to therapy is based on the belief that we can build our mental fitness, just as we can build our physical fitness. 

We are forced to understand our physical selves, we develop knowledge around our physical strengths and aspects that may need further support. If we can become as curious and knowledgeable about our mental wellbeing, we can change the way we look after it and choose to train ourselves in ways that can help maintain a healthy mind for life.

Any kind of training requires a commitment to show up, not just to your session but also between sessions. Change is a constant cycle through learning and application in real life. On top of everything, we have to be curious, reflecting on our experiences and building on these further. 

Therapy is about the constant challenge of building our mental fitness.